Friday, October 4, 2013

3 Years Later

I saw someone at church this week who reminded me of something I've known for a while: I should probably tell all the awesome people who followed the blog and helped us that everything is going well for us. I recently passed my two-year anniversary of ending treatment. Last week I got a clean mammogram.

Kilian is now two-and-a-half, healthy and seemingly a normal, curious, talking two-year-old despite growing in my belly through surgery and half of my 6-month chemo regimen.

The biggest health scare we've had from him so far was a case of walking-pneumonia last spring and some extremely picky eating behaviors that made him suddenly drop off the charts for his weight, despite maintaining an average height.

But thanks to weight-gain Pediasure, bacon, fruit smoothies with ice cream and scrambled eggs cooked in olive oil, we recently celebrated him returning to a more normal 11 percentile weight.

(Below are two photos I took of the kids last spring in our garden out front).


  1. Oh they are so adorable!! Thank you so much for letting us know how things are going! :D

  2. I love your kids! They are so great! Thanks so much for coming last night! I loved getting to see you guys! :)

  3. I am also happy to know how things are going. Do you watch Parenthood? It mirrors my life SO much, and then, sometimes I think it mirrors yours. You are not running for Mayor are you? :)

    1. Ha! I'm going to have to watch that show. I've heard good things about it. Good to hear from you. Sorry I didn't check this sooner.
